Monday, January 2, 2012


I loved my friend's post, so I had to do it too!  Here is a glimpse of 2011.
We started it out with a major bang, and had major house construction...

We we to California three times.  Porter went four times.

Porter went ice skating for the first time.

We all visited Zion's for our first time.

Tyson went with mom and dad to his first Jazz game!

We sold 2 cars

We spent Easter with our favorite great Uncle!
Tyson learned to crawl.
Tyson started taking his 1st steps.

And then broke his leg.

Tyson had his 1st birthday!

Porter tubed for his first time and loved it!

We welcomed home Grandma and Grandad Robbins from their 2 year mission in Hawaii.

Tyson got his cast off and started walking.

We discovered Tyson's milk allergy.

Porter took swim lessons for the 1st time.

Porter took up fishing this year.

Porter's started preschool for the 1st time!

We spent nearly every summer night at the park.

We trick or treated!

Porter turned 4 years old!

We had the best Christmas ever!
For what has seemed to be a more stressful year than others, it still was a great year thanks to the best little boys in the whole world!  I can't wait for the joys of 2012.


Jamie said...

awesome overview! I might have to copy it too!

Melissa said...

Wasn't it fun to go back and look at all of your year in pictures?!

Happy New Year to you and your family!