Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kids Easter Party

Can I just say how much I LOVE my friends and neighbors, and all the cute little kids around us?  I am so lucky.  It is for this reason, we are always looking for an excuse to get together with friends.  This week, it was for an easter party.
First we made little bird houses with Peeps.  I wish I had a picture of the cute little birds nests that Katie made to go with them! SO CUTE

Then we headed outside where we played a bunny hop game (sack races), which was pretty cute.  Then we did the whole balance your egg on a spoon race, which not all the kids grasped.

Then we came back in to decorate a cookie for a snack, and had juice boxes.  As they were finishing up we got an "unexpected" knock at the door and found that the Easter bunny had dropped by a note.

The kids all grabbed their easter baskets and ran outside for an Easter egg hunt.  Porter hasn't changed one bit over the years, he immediately plops down on the grass and starts chowing down on candy.


Just Us said...

This looks so fun!

Paige said...

I want to be your neighbor! How fun!