Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pregnancy: 26 Weeks

Time is flying by so quickly.  It's hard for me to believe that I have only one more doctor appointment and then I start going every 2 weeks.  Crazy.  Jared and I had to laugh this week, because the "comments" are starting to come.  You're walking the halls at church and someone says "anyday now, right?"  Actually no, I still have three more months.  I guess that is the disadvantage of being short and sticking straight out.  Feeling pretty good I guess.  I've been having some issues with getting dizzy.  It came later in my pregnancy this time, but I am craving pebble ice again.  Yum, love it.  One thing I don't love- maternity clothes, yuck.


Kendal and Alissa said...

You look so good pregnant. You are lucky you stick straight out. When I'm pregnant I look big everywhere! I'm surprised how fast your pregnancy has gone! 13 more weeks....that's crazy!

Tara Ann said...

Do you have short hair? I don't think I have ever seen you with short hair! It looks adorable. wow! I love it. You look so cute! Miss you!