Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jack Johnson Concert!

So Monday night Mickey and Steve watched Porter for us while we went to the Jack Johnson concert! It was SOO much fun, and we always love his laid back concerts. We saw Jenna and Clayton there, they were just a few rows behind us. And we saw Khyl and Michelle. They managed to make there way to the floor right on the front row! Score. Here is our hilarious story for the night. Jack starts singing "Same Girl" and about a minute into the song he totally messes up. Jack says "Oh man we're going to have to start that over. After hearing that images started going through my mind and I hit the wrong chord. Whoa!" Then he tells the crowd, "Some guy just yelled out 'Jack I want my wife to have your child!'" We all laughed, but what is really funny is that it was Khyl Shumway that yelled it out. Jared wasn't surprised one bit, and Khyl and Michelle were SOO excited that they stopped the concert! Ha.

PS: I got a new haircut!
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Dayna Jamison said...

I'm jealous! How fun!!! He is amazing, and very handsome for his age, wowsers! you got a good pic. of him.

Tara Ann said...

I love your hair cut. I noticed it in the other pictures even before I saw your note!