Monday, August 25, 2008

Sleep Talker

My awesome husband Jared talks in his sleep occassionally. Since I don't hear very well, I always ask him "what?" one too many times that it wakes him up and he cannot recall saying anything. I will tell him that he was talking in his sleep and he will ask "What did I say?" and I cannot tell him of course because I couldn't make it out, and so he doesn't believe me. I have only made out his little comments twice. Once he woke me up to tell me that "(someone, can't remember their name now) hit it over the fence for a home run". The next morning I was so excited to be able to tell him WHAT he said, and his eyes lit up and said "Oh yeah that happened when I was 14 and it was one of the most amazing hits ever." Like it was no big deal. What? Well a couple nights ago Jared wakes me up and says "Would you like a Halls?" "A Halls??" I ask. And he says, "Yes they're for your throat and they taste really good!" I am confused and I say "No." And he says "Oh ok," and falls back to sleep. The next day I tell him and he thinks it is funny, but says that he bought some Halls for his throat because it would get dry at night. Later that day he INSISTED that I try one, because they really were SO good. Ha.
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