Monday, September 15, 2008

On the go...

Now that the child has discovered he can move it is all he wants to do. I am definitley a first time mom that cannot handle her child falling down so therefore I have to be one step behind him at all times. Yesterday while I was teaching Sharing Time in Primary, Porter was under his daddy's watchful eye and managed to fall and hit the couch in the church lobby. He had a good sized rug burn on his left cheek all day, but this morning it is almost gone. I am hoping he will master his new found skill quickly so that I do not have to worry about the falls so much. To make matters worse, my main floor is mostly wood floors and go figure he prefers to walk on the wood so he can hear the pitter patter of his feet. No cushioning there. I am a constant nervous wreck. Luckily this walker provides a bit more stability and I can let him wander more freely. (Like 2 steps behind instead of 1.) :)

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