Monday, September 8, 2008

Porter Started WALKING!

To our surprise, Porter started walking yesterday! We are still in shock as he hasn't showed any signs of being close and he hasn't even crawled yet! But yesterday while we were at Stake Conference I stepped out into the foyer to give Porter a break. He kept trying to grab our 2 year old neighbor, Austin's hands to walk. So I let him hold Austin's hands and held the back of his collar in case Austin let go. He did, and Porter just kept on going! When Jared came out 10 minutes later I got to say "Watch this!" He is still learning the balance thing, but he has managed to make it across an entire room multiple times. This isn't his best performance, and the video was taken with my cell phone...but you get the picture. 9 months and walking around- wow. Next step - baby proofing the house!


Just Us said...

That's so exciting! Hey, why crawl when you can walk, right? He's such a cutie!

JLR said...

WOOHOO! Go, Porter, Go! Watch out Usain Bolt!

Sarah Nelson said...

That is AMAZING! You must be so excited!!!!! How fun! Hey, I was wondering, did you ever get the note we left in your front door? We randomly stopped by your house, but you weren't home. Too bad! I want to see that cute Porter!

Kendal and Alissa said...

I thought I saw you in the hall walking. Way to go Porter.