Today - November 13th through November 16th you can print this barcode and get an additional 30% off your purchase at Gap. This barcode can be used multiple times. I also have a one-time coupon code that can be used online that I won't be using if anyone would like - it is D7CDFYLBGJKJ. They have some cute things on clearance right now. I plan on getting this cute little snow suit - it is $16 at the store, so with my 30% off it is only $11. They also have this in pink. Happy shopping!

PS: You may also use this at Gap's partner companies: Old Navy & Banana Republic.
thanks Stac!
I love Gap, especially Baby Gap! So cute! So, I thought I would let you know that I'm coming down this Monday, the 17th. Greg's brother, Jeff, goes into the MTC on Wednesday so Greg wanted a chance to say goodbye in person. We're both driving down Monday, but Greg is going to take a shuttle back to Rexburg on Tuesday to finish up classes until Friday, when Thanksgiving break starts. As for me, I'm going to stay in Utah that week whole week before Thanksgiving so I want to see you before you visit Cali!
Okay, the above paragraph seems confusing to me so just in case it is confusing to you, here are the dates that I will be in Utah:
Nov. 17- Nov. 30
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