Monday, November 10, 2008

He's everywhere!

When Porter started walking, there were so many people that asked, "Isn't life so different now?" and warnings of "Now you will be chasing him all day." I never really felt this because he still wasn't crawling and still couldn't pull himself up to stand. But a couple weeks ago he began crawling, which was awesome. And this weekend he learned how to pull himself up. I'm happy for him, but not for me. This was how we learned he could pull himself up -
It was late at night and Porter wasn't going to sleep. We put the portable DVD player on the edge of his crib and put on the night time Baby Einstein DVD to lull him to sleep. We could hear the movie playing through the monitor. All of a sudden we hear a big crash, and the movie stopped. Then we hear "Uh-oh". I go upstairs to find Porter standing up on the other side of the crib looking down at the DVD player on the floor. As soon as I walk in he tells me "uh-oh". So now the crib is down at the lowest level possible.
Since then, he pulls himself up on the couch, and he is here and there and everywhere. There is no confining him to one place anymore. Here is what he does all day... play, get into mischief, and hide and play peek-a-boo.

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1 comment:

Just Us said...

That is so funny! The picture of him looking in the cabinet looks like Jared looking in the fridge. Funny!