If you haven't discovered
Slick Deals yet you are missing out! It is basically a forum that lists crazy good deals that are online right now. Because of them, I scored all of these Christmas presents for Porter for only $30 including shipping. Most of them are selling for that in stores right now. For this score purchase I get to thank
Amazon. The deals are different every day, so check it out!

I can't believe you got all four of those toys for just $30. I am going to have to keep checking this website for a sweet deal like that.
wow- I'm excited to check it out! How did Monday turn out? I was sad to miss- did you get my message about makay? He ended up being sick until today! A LONG three days of sickness!
Another good pace to look on Amazon is the movers and shakers lists: http://www.amazon.com/gp/movers-and-shakers?ie=UTF8&ref_=pd_ms_t_ldr
When things are selling more on Amazon it makes this list, and things usually sell more because the price has been reduced. Happy Shopping!
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