Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mc D's

Today we went to McDonald's for lunch and Porter had a ball playing in the play place. He also found my shake and decided it was now his. Yay for McDonald's on a cold winter day.

Posted by Picasa See! The play place isn't as cool as sweeping!


Just Us said...

His little teeth are so cute!

Tara Ann said...

He is so cute and such a big boy, I can't believe it. Kevin has been taking the car to work lately so at least a couple of times a week I make him take us out in the evening to the mall or a cheap restaurant just so that we can get out...the bad weather here is endless!!!

Mark said...

He is starting to look like a little boy and not a toddler.

Kendal and Alissa said...

Oh my gosh I absolutely love the picture of Porter with his beanie hat and your shake! Love the pictures. After next weeks class we need to get together and you need to teach me your skills!

Sarah Nelson said...

Happy Birthday Stacy!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see a post all about your birthday!