Friday, January 25, 2013

Adventures with Tyson

Tyson has such a determined little personality.  This morning we woke up and I turned some cartoons on upstairs while I nursed Aubrey in bed.  In the middle of their show Tyson went downstairs and not too much longer started crying.  I waited a second for him to come up, but he didn't he just kept crying, so I sent Porter down to check things out.  He quickly ran back upstairs and announced that Tyson was stuck on the top shelf of the pantry.  I ran downstairs to find him like this.  And of course, in my proud mommy moment, I quickly kissed his little cheek and told him, "wait here", and ran to get the camera.  :)  Just to put it into perspective, that is not a table chair but a barstool down there.  I don't know how he got himself into that situation, but he sure was happy to have his Wheat Thins.

Tyson is the man of the house while Porter is at preschool, and he loves to help take care of baby Aubrey.  He talks to her in such a high pitch that I can't make out half of what he says to her.  He gets jealous every now and then, but overall he has been an amazing big brother to her, and I couldn't be more proud of how he has transitioned into the new family dynamics.

1 comment:

Tara Ann said...

BEST PICTURE EVER!!! I love it. What an adventurous little guy.