Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mom's Visit

My mom, who has been working full time for the last ten years is no longer working.  She is bored out of her mind, but all us kids could not be happier about it!  :)  Selfish, I know.  She came out to Utah for a 15-day visit, and we had so much fun being with her.  Porter loved being spoiled with all the attention.  I am sure she lost some weight too, with all the "racing" she and Porter did running around the house.  That was all he wanted to do.  I am sure we bored her, but she tagged along for all the daily life stuff.  She helped me finish some projects around the house that I've been working on.  We shopped, we cooked, we went out on a "date", we got pedicures, and J and I took advantage of free babysitting!  Thanks mom, for coming out and making being a mom/housewife 1/2 the work for a little while.  You can come see us ANYTIME.  And we will see you in three short weeks.

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