Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Smith Family Photos

This darling family in my ward is getting ready to send off their first son (of EIGHT!) on his mission.  They asked if I could snap a couple family photos of them while they are all here.  I imagine the next 10 years will be interesting for them as they send off another missionary every couple of years or so.  I was a little nervous about taking pictures of such a large group, especially when 9 of the 10 were males that didn't want to be posing for pictures!  But they were troopers and luckily there were a lot of cute ones to choose from.  Congratulations on your first missionary! We will be rooting from the sidelines.

1 comment:

The Gilberts said...

8 Boys?.... 8 Boys???? How does a thing like that happen? Its gotta be a record! Oh my goodness, I don't know what I would do... Good job photographing them! Boy style.

I can't get over 8 boys--- I know a lady here who had 6... then 2 girls. What a family!