Monday, May 10, 2010

Grateful and Proud to be his MOM

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there.  I have to say I am the luckiest mom in the world to have this sweet little boy of mine.  He really is the cutest, most sweet, and precious little boy you ever did meet.  He comes out of Nursery today singing a new song he learned and didn't stop singing for at least thirty minutes.  I heard a lot of people express their love and appreciation for mothers, and yes, I am extremely grateful and proud of the mothers in my life, but what I have mostly been grateful for today, is the tremendous blessing of being a mother myself.  My little Porter is my entire world.  I don't know what I would do without him.  I love him more than anything.

Today, after church, we took Porter to the park to get some energy out.  This is a tradition of ours, weather permitting, of course.  I took my camera today and snapped some pictures of my two favorite guys.  He loves playing soccer, he loves running wild, and he wants him mommy and daddy to be included in all the fun.  Today he kept insisting that mommy and daddy took turns going on the swings and that we were pushed.  He is my little sweetheart!  So happy that I get to be his mom.  Hope you had a great day!


1 comment:

Burton Family said...

I think that is a great tradition, I always feel so cooped up on sundays.