Thursday, May 6, 2010

porter jay

  • porter wanted to be wrapped up yesterday in plastic wrap... how could i deny such a thing?  he wobbled around for a bit before whining, "my hands are STUCK".
  • we wrapped up and shipped out mothers day gifts yesterday.  he said "what is that mom" to which i replied "a present for grandma".  when he saw me loading them in to the car as we left, he got really excited and said "are we going to grandma's house?"  i wish, porter... i wish!
  • porter ended up back in mom and dad's bed for a couple months after we discovered he slept walk.  i finally got one of those door handle covers that prevents kids from opening doors and put it on the inside of his room so he is locked in during the night.  he is back in his big boy bed, and he and we are sleeping better.
  • porter had his 1st sleepover with his cousins zach and ash last weekend.  he was on cloud nine.  the next day when we took him home he went on for hours about how he wanted to drive in zachy's car, and sleep in zachy's bed, and play at zachy's house.  thanks for making him feel so loved fam!

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