Monday, June 7, 2010

2 Weeks Left

Have you ever googled ways to self induce labor?  I have recently.  I am too chicken to do any of it.  But I find myself willing my body to do something like have my water break or something.  It isn't listening to me though.  Last week when I went to the doctor I told him about the contractions and pressure.  It happened to be the only week they planned on checking me since they already had to do the strep b test.  He said I was dialated to a 2 and 50% effaced, but the reason for the pressure was that he could feel his head already!  Apparently he is way down there.  Sometimes I think I look like I am walking as if there is a head between my legs.  My back aches a lot these days.  Saturday I got a lot of housework done around the house.  Everything cleaned.  My windows washed inside and out, weeds pulled, yardwork done, floors swept and mop, vacuumed, laundry done.  It has been my goal to just keep the house in order so that when the time comes I will leave a clean house.  But there are some days when I don't feel like bending over to pick up the toys.  And I don't.  But the day usually doesn't end before I freak myself out that THIS would be the day my water would break and I would have to leave a messy house... and it gets me off my butt.  Last week I took the entire week off from the gym.  During that week I took Porter to the dinosaur museum, and I took him swimming twice.  It was workout enough for me.  When I went to the doctors last week I was really dissapointed and frankly nervous about my weight gain.  I had reached 30 lbs, which is what I thought I would gain all together.  It is still possible, since last time I weighed the same the last three weeks, and according to my pregnancy book is normal to weigh the same the last few weeks.  I am trying to eat better, and today I forced myself to go to the gym.  If there is one last goal in this whole thing it is to not go over that number.  I was excited when I went to the gym to learn that I lost two pounds!  So if I am careful I think I can still get away with my goal.  It would be much easier to achieve if I just went into labor today.  :)  I've thought all along that my stomach was so much smaller than it was last time.  But, I don't feel "small" anymore.  I feel big.  Yesterday at church I wasn't feeling the best.  I sat in sacrament and didn't fight my child like I normally do.  He was singing songs and talking loud, and I didn't even care.  I just ignored him and listened to all the testimonies.  Then he managed to squeeze past me out of the pew.  He went to the bench in front of us and played peek-a-boo with the lady sitting there.  Again, I didn't want to move, and I didn't.  "He's fine," I told myself.  And I believed it.  Until, he started to walk back and waved at us and said "Bye".  I then knew I was in trouble.  I got up to get him and he ran as fast as he could to the back of the room, turned right and went back up the chapel on the opposite side.  He can run fast, and there was no way I was going to run after him now or ever, but especially now being 38 weeks pregnant.  He ran up to the stage, across the chairs, and started jumping down the stairs.  Jared and I were giving evil eyes to each other, willing the other to go get him.  I won.  There were chuckles all around me, and even the bishop made a comment when he was closing the meeting.... I was embarrassed.  Any way, I am officially ready for this little boy to come.  I am ready phsycially, emotionally, etc.  There is something about the last couple weeks when you know it could be "any day now" that makes it go by so slow.


Melissa said...

I'm so glad you posted this! I checked your blog just earlier to see how you were feeling. This is a good update, and hopefully the last for you!

I have an unopened bottle of castor oil in my cabinet. I bought it when I was pregnant with Ella, but chickened out at the last minute. You're welcome to it! :)

Hang in there.

Oh, and as a side note - you couldn't have looked ANY cuter at church yesterday...all drama aside!

Sarah Nelson said...

Good luck! I hope you have that boy soon! You still look adorable!

Melissa said...

You look so cute!! Good luck!

The Gilberts said...

Church has been so hard with hardly any lap room to sit on for jackson and me! I totally feel for you and see myself, just thinking in sac meeting-- 'he's not that loud, its no big deal, let it go'...2 more weeks is not bad! I've got 3.5! You are all stomach girl-- your photo shows a skinny looking body with a basketball out front-- its all gonna pay off-- you'll bounce back in no time-- you've already trained your body and your habits so don't let it get you down if there'sa few extra lbs on the scale. plus they say its what you're fitting into that matters!

Tara Ann said...

Stacy, you seriously look amazing. Your legs are still slim, which has never happened to me during pregnancies. I bloat and fatten up like a ripening watermelon. hahaha! (I have gained 40 with both kids if that makes you feel any better:):)You inspire me to be healthier when the next child decides to make it's appearance. I can't wait to see you. My plans have not changed at all. I will be to Utah by Thursday June 24th. You will most likely have your new baby. I am glad I will get to meet him. Good luck with the last couple of weeks.

Maricia said...

I am so excited for you! Soon you'll get to meet your sweet new boy and get your body back! Yay! Hope all goes well with the delivery.

P.S. we are coming to utah - i'll e-mail you

The Wigginton Family said...

Hey Stacy! I don't know if you remember me, but I just found your blog and wanted to tell you that you look AMAZING! You are possibly the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen, what with your basketball belly and skinny legs, and face, and arms, and everything else! You look great. Good luck and can't wait to hear about your new bundle of joy!

Kristen said...

I'll just join everyone and say how amazing you look Stacy! You are amazing! I think I'm coming down to Utah to visit Tara when she's down, so hopefully I'll get to see your new baby! :)