Thursday, June 10, 2010


I can't believe he is going to be an only child for only 11 more days.  He is so spoiled with attention, I hope he adjusts well.  I have been training him to be more independent.  He is learning how to climb into the car, and into his carseat by himself.  When he takes a bath, he takes off his clothes and puts them into the hamper.  He is learning to clean up after himself.  He is using a napkin when he eats.  He really is such a big helper!  I can't wait to see him meet his baby brother for the 1st time.  Here are some funny things he has been doing lately that I've grabbed the camera for, or felt worth writing down.

After three days of asking, Porter got his wish.  It started three days ago as we were driving down Center street past Target.  Porter pointed out the window, and said "Do you want to go to that store, mom?"  I thought it was random, but didn't think too much about it.  The next day, again we were driving past Target and Porter asked multiple times, "Can we go to that store?"  Jared and I were laughing at how weird it was.  Then today as we were sitting at home, I asked Porter what he wanted to do today.  I expected answers like "swimming", "cousins", "dinosaur museum", "tree house", etc.... but no, what did he say?  "I want to go to the red store."  So, we went to Target.  He was totally into shopping, wanted to look at the little boy t-shirts, asking if I wanted different items in the cart.  So strange... but kind of nice, I guess?

I thought Porter was pretty clever when he took his play food hamburger patty, and strategically placed different colored goldfish on top and brought it to me saying,  "Here mom, I made pizza!"

Porter has been learning how to put his shoes on by himself.  Some shoes are certainly easier than others.  Without any encouragement, he put on his shoes on by himself today.  Too bad they were different.

Porter was having a conversation with Jared.  A one-way conversation because Jared (nor I) could understand what Porter was saying, and finally Jared just kept saying "yeah" or "okay" after Porter's sentences.  That was working until Porter exclaimed, "What are you going to do about it, dad?!  What are you going to do about it?!"

Obsessed with funny faces and "cool tricks".


Just Us said...

I'm in suspense! What did Jared do about it?

Paige said...

He is so cute. I am so excited for you and I cant wait to squeeze that baby when we come in July. And if Porter is anything like Drew he wont even notice that baby is around which is really nice!

Kendal and Alissa said...

I seriously love this age. Those stories are all so cute. I can't believe he had Target in his head for over three days. I guess he's starting young as a shopper--just like his mommy.

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