Monday, June 21, 2010

He's here!

We woke up bright and early this morning and arrived at the hospital at 5am.  The scheduled c-section was planned for 7am.  I was quite surprised during those 2 hours of prep time to learn that my contractions were 4-5 minutes apart.  I guess he would have come on his own today either way!  The only negative I experienced was some nausea after having to drink some nasty drink.  The surgery went well, and we welcomed a 7lb 0 ounce baby into the world at 7:30am.  He has just a little bit of light colored hair... nothing like Porter's full head of jet black hair.  Between the hair, being almost 2 pounds less, and distinct features... I personally think he looks way different!  He is as cute as can be.  We still have not decided on a name.  We are hoping as we get to know him in the next couple days we will know what his name should be.  My mom has been taking all the pictures so I will have to grab her SD card and download them to my computer next time she is here, so you can all see this cute guy!  It is surreal and such an awesome experience to bring a baby into the world, but a highlight this time around was definitely introducing Porter to his baby.  He was so sweet.  I am already up and walking around and we are healthy.  Pictures are coming soon.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Congrats!! So glad to hear that everything went so well. Can't wait to see pictures!