Monday, June 21, 2010

Picture of our baby!

Here he is. He is pretty much perfect if I do say so myself.


Jamie said...

absolutely adorable! congrats! Glad you are feeling good already

Snarr mama said...

He's gorgeous! Congrats!

Sarah Nelson said...

So sweet! And what a great shot, especially for being in the hospital! Where on earth was it taken? He does look a lot different from Porter. Looks like you have two cute boys!

The Gilberts said...

Congrats Stacey-- beautiful Boy! Good luck with picking a name :)

Maricia said...

What an exciting time! Congrats on your sweet baby boy, he's adorable!

Just Us said...

He is pretty much perfect! So cute! Congratulations, again! We can't wait to see him!

Kendal and Alissa said...

He is darling! I expected him to look just like Porter too, but he for sure has his own look. He is making me so baby hungry. I can't wait to see him in person. I'm glad everything went well. Congrats!

Melissa said...

Oh YAY! He is SO precious! Congratulations, I'm so glad things went well. I can't wait to hear his name and meet this handsome little guy!

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

oh he is so adorable! i am glad everything went well.

Kristen said...

yay!! i'm so excited to get to meet him in person someday! :) SO adorable!