Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tyson Robbins

We named our adorable little boy Tyson John Robbins.  He is such a good baby.  We came home from the hosital late last night, and have enjoyed being home our first day.  Porter is such a good brother, and is catching on to all the baby routines quickly.  I had to laugh today when Tyson started crying... Porter went and grabbed my nursing cover and said "Here. Tyson wants some chocolate milk."  I have two of the most precious boys in the world, and feel so incredibly blessed.  Also, if you are wondering about the picture with two babies- my sister-in-law had her baby just 6 days before Tyson was born.  His name is Stephen, and I am sure these two cousins will be good buds.



Just Us said...

Thank you for the pictures! He, and Stephen, are so adorable. Hopefully I will be able to come out with Traci and see them next month! Porter is such a good brother!

Cecile Ewell said...

What a sweet little boy! He is so darling, and I love the name too! Hope you guys are doing good!

Kendal and Alissa said...

What sweet pictures! I was surprised to see you came home on Wednesday night. We will for sure have to stop by and see Tyson. The picture of you, Porter and Tyson is darling.

Ellie said...

so glad porter is doing well with the new little one. hope we get to meet him soon too! you will do great with 2 boys =)

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

Oh he looks SO SWEET!!! Congrates.

jordan and maci said...

he is so adorable! congratulations:)