Wednesday, July 14, 2010

baby announcement

what is a mom with a brand new baby boy to do.... while she is head over heels and sleep deprived?  have lots of pictures taken and make baby announcements, that's what!  i checked the spelling & details ten times before printing.  but apparently my sleep deprived "mommy brain" didn't catch the mistakes.  no, he wasn't born at 2:30pm and he wasn't 21 inches.  my other child was.  i am just counting my blessings i got the name right on top.  "mommy brain" is common for me after giving birth-- i will probably miss my visiting teaching appointments and forget if i fed my child lunch.  when my 2.5 year old woke up crying in the middle of the night last night i rocked him and then asked him if he wanted a binky.  he hasn't had a binky in over 9 months!  oh, it is bringing back memories-- but they are soooo worth it!!  here is tyson's announcement for those who didn't get one... i sent it mostly to family, sorry!


Just Us said...

I was wondering about that! I was thinking, I thought my parents called me in the morning to tell me he had joined us. Ours is hanging on our fridge, he is such a handsome boy!

Melissa said...

Well if it makes you feel better you are NOT alone! We all suffer from mommy brain. The lucky ones get their brains back, the rest of us, well......not so lucky! Darling pictures of Tyson and darling announcement! And YOU would have been the only one to know about the time and length typo's. Kind of funny. You'll laugh about it one day! ;)

Cecile Ewell said...

Aww he is sooo precious! I feel totally the same with the whole mommy brain thing. And I swear the more you have the worst it gets!!

Cassie said...

The are So cute! I love them!

Kendal and Alissa said...

Oh I love it--even if some of the facts are wrong:) That makes me laugh that you put some of Porter's info on there. I think things like this will happen the rest of our lives the more kids we add to the family.