Wednesday, July 28, 2010

family reunion

we are in the middle of a 3-week family reunion with the Robbins!  there are 7 siblings in Jared's family, and for the first time in (i think) 10 years or something, we have all 7 siblings and their kids together.  there are 33 of us to be exact... 23 kids.  we are missing the two girls' husbands though, and Jared's parents are in Hawaii on a lds mission.  we have been getting together every single day, and let's just say it is craziness.  my household crashes every single night, exhausted.  i am planning on stealing pictures from my sis-in-law amy, so prepare for an upcoming post about everything.  until then, you can imagine this:

  • Red Robin Restaurant- "we need a table for 33"
  • Rafting down Provo river with 23 people in a single raft.
  • Orem Owlz game
  • Boating at Yuba Lake
  • Homemade dinners for 33 people
  • Cleaning up dinner for 33
  • 23 kids together every single night!
  • Family Baseball/Soccer/Football/Golf Games
  • Swimming
  • Movies
  • Firework Shows
  • Campfires
  • Picnics
  • Photoshoot with 33 people... our poor photographer!
  • Visiting
  • Stories of the good ol' days
  • and... 1 more week to go! (Is anyone else as worn out as I am?)
My child now asks me everyday- "Mommy, what are we going to do today?"  I will answer with something like "go see Ashlee and Zach" and he answers me with "and who else?"  No matter how many people I list he continues to ask "and who else?" for like 5 minutes.  He knows there is a bunch of us.


Snarr mama said...

Question...where is that super cool splash park?

Stacy said...

Highland...behind the Kohlers grocery store next to all the
Highland city buildings.

Jamie said...

Ahhhhh! So much fun! You can add canoing up payson lakes and Just Dance on the wii. What about long walk on sunday night with 33, and plasma cars! Oh and some them have been hitting the temple. Are you guys going to go to Yuba with us today?