Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th

Saturday we headed to Richard and Lisa's for a family BBQ and some fireworks.  I couldn't resist putting my boys in their first "matching" outfits!  Jared thought it was so cheesy, which makes me laugh!  We will continue our 4th of July festivities tomorrow... I'm sure pictures will follow.


Snarr mama said...

I love putting my girls in matching outfits. Who cares if the men think it's silly, we're the moms, right? :) Your boys are so cute! Happy 4th!

Paige said...

Oh crap that picture of Porter holding the baby is scary...wait until you round the corner and he is randomly holding him...yikes! Looks like a fun 4th cant wait to see you guys in a week or so!

Cassie said...

So cute! I can't wait to be able to match my kids.

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