Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tyson: 1 Month

Can you believe that yesterday my little baby turned 1 month old?  He is such a sweet baby, and I am certain I have spent more than half of this last month with him in my arms.  Here's what he's up to at 1 month:

  • rolls over- i don't lay him down much during the day but at night he is always rolling from his back to his tummy and then back to his back again. i call him my roly-poly because that's what it looks like!
  • on his 1 month birthday he slept through the night for the 1st time!  fed him at 10pm and went to bed.  he didn't wake up until 6am, and for  the very 1st time mom experienced "engorgement"
  • smiles and laughs- laughing is usually just in his sleep but we've gotten him giggling a time or two.
  • mama's boy- will cry and squirm with dad or someone else but immediately stops with mom
  • spittin' up boy- he's like his older brother was and sits up quite a bit. we sport the crunchy hair and stained shirts, it's attractive and don't tell me otherwise!
  • loving brother- he is so patient with porter, lets him hold him and genuinely seems to enjoy his attention
  • likes his swing, loves the bjorn, and adores being held
  • gas- occasionally we experience colic-like symptoms with an hour of crazy screaming... so sad
  • family oriented- has now met the entire porter and robbins family with the exception of robbins grandparents who are serving a mission in hawaii
  • weight at 1 month- 8lbs, 2 ounces
Tyson, we love you and can't imagine our family without you.


Melissa said...

Oh - he is SO handsome! I cannot believe he's already a month old. That REALLY flew by!

Burton Family said...

It sounds like he is turning out to be an easy baby. I can't believe he has already slept through the night.