Sunday, August 8, 2010

rodeo's biggest fan

friday night we went to the santaquin rodeo.  a little girl sitting next to us was handed a big bag of popcorn and was told by her parents to go share it with the other kids.  i watched as she went and sat on the blanket right in front of me and shared with my niece/nephew; they all grabbed handfuls.  as i watched them eat popcorn i felt something land in my hair.  i reached back and felt a big handful of popcorn in my hair.  i wiggled it free since it was sticking to my hair.  once it finally came out, i brought my hand in front of me to see a beetle the size of my palm sitting comfortably in my hand.  i threw it down, and began screaming.  this was about the time they opened the gates for bull riding, and heads turned to see who was the world's biggest rodeo fan.


JLR said...

You forgot to mention how funny Jared was when you screamed.

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

oh my gosh! I think I would freak also...that's a good story!

Melissa said...

HILARIOUS! Absolutely hilarious!

Stacy said...

Yes Jam, I am pretty sure Jared was tempted to go sit by you so nobody would know he was with me. He was pretty embarrassed. :) Makes it all the more funnier. But I am being completely honest when I say I couldn't have refrained from screaming if it would have saved my life. I simply could not help it.