Tuesday, August 24, 2010

tyson- 2 months

tyson had his two month check-up today.  he was 10lbs, 11 ounces - 35th percentile.  he was 23 inches long - 75th perentile, and i don't remember how big his head was but he was 25th percentile for that.

he is doing good!

he still sleeps a TON.  i guess that is because he is growing a lot right now.  really, i don't remember porter ever sleeping this much.  i am proud of his sleeping habits- he is down by 10 and is up to eat between 4 and 5am.  the only bad thing with nights is that lately he has had a hard time falling back to sleep after he eats.

he is really happy and smiles at anyone who will pay attention to him.  and when he smiles he coos and talks up a storm.  it is pretty darling.

he loves his baby swing, and spends most of his naps there.  at night, he sleeps in his boppy because that is the only thing that keeps him from rolling around all night.

he still hasn't had any of the colic return (yay!) but he is particular about who is holding him when he gets tired.


Ellie said...

you sure do make some cute boys! i love that smile. i am so glad his colic didn't stay for very long, it's a hard one to deal with. you're doing a great job being a mom of 2!

The Gilberts said...

what a cutie-- goes sooooo fast, right? I'm scared and excited about that time when they go from "newborn" to "baby" - you know, when they can do more--- but I will miss her "infant-ness". *sigh...

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