Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ringling Brothers Circus

To reward Porter for his success in potty training, I took him and Tyson to the Ringling Brothers Circus, aka the greatest show on earth.  We had so much fun!  I couldn't believe that both my kids were totally fixed for 3+ hours.  I was even amazed at the production they put on.  I kept wondering where in the world they were keeping the 12 elephants, 10 tigers, horses, etc. that were apart of the show.  It was a total blast, we are definitely returning next time they come to town.  And to top it off, Porter even hit another milestone there with potty training by using the real "big pottys".


Ellie said...

Like many other parents I believed in the Circus Tradition of cotton candy, clowns and elephants not anymore that tradition came to a grinding halt when I saw with my own eyes pictures of Ringling Bros. Circus techniques for training their baby elephants to perform in the circus. These photos just came out in 2009 so many parents have not seen them, this is how Ringling Bros. Circus gets 8,000-pound elephants to perform tricks like sitting up and even standing on their heads, Ringling breaks the spirit of elephants when they're vulnerable babies when they should still be with their mothers instead they spend a year-long intense and violent training sessions that last for hours each day. You can see this training where frantic baby elephant are wrestled, slammed to the ground, gouged with bullhooks, and shocked with electric prods.
My family has a new Circus Tradition, one that doesn’t involve abusing and torturing animals to have them perform for a few minutes, we now attend Cirque Du Soleil or other animal free Circuses.
My family loves the animals that live with us, and we would never condone someone abusing them like these exotic animals are abused by the circus industry for profit. Sadly this abuse will not stop until Parents quit taking their families to the circus and demand that Ringling uses only people performers.
If you need more proof….Google or got to YouTube and type in “Circus Elephant Abuse,” animal lovers will be physically sick by what you see. The proof is there but you have to open your eyes and look.

Just Us said...
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Just Us said...

I love that guy's costume, I think I am going to get it for Mark!

Melissa said...