Sunday, October 24, 2010

North Shore

Saturday we headed to the other side of the island, to the North Shore where we visited Sharks Cove.  Well actually we were two beaches away and we swam two beaches away to snorkel at Sharks Cove.  I was so exhausted by the time I got there!  Porter saw the body board and proclaimed that he wanted to "go surfing" so grandpa played with him in the water while grandma watched a sleeping Tyson.  Jared and I snorkeled and then came back to have fun with Porter Jay.  It was a beautiful day, but we are finding that is pretty typical around here.  Thanks to the darling Sister Freeman who took most of these pictures.  She is the other Senior Sister Missionary that works in the Mission Office here in Honolulu and even though I've only met her a couple of times I can tell she is an awesome lady; I really like her.


JLR said...

So awesome! We miss Steve and Mickey! Give them some loves from us. We miss you guys too but we'll see you in less than a month so! Thanks for the pics! -Jamie

Tara Ann said...

What fun! It is so bright and sunny, my eyes aren't used to that anymore. You guys are so adorable! Love you and miss you.