Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

It is Christmas Eve.  We took the final link off of the chain countdown.  Porter is running around the house crazy yelling "Santa is coming, Santa is coming!"  We baked cookies for Santa, and put out the carrots for the reindeer.  Next thing I know Porter is carrying a glass of water to put next to Santa's plate because he said that Santa needed a drink to go with his snack.  Good thinking, bud.  We had some surprise Christmas Eve visitors (Jamie & Darron's family) and who would have guessed that the Christmas elf brought Porter and his cousin Zach the exact same Christmas pajamas!  We had two little Buzz Lightyears running around.  Jared and I were up until midnight putting out the goods.  It took two handfuls to get the Santa stuff out, and a few trips carrying BOXES of gifts from the Porter family.  Santa went to check and make sure the kids were sleeping, and on his way back downstairs a TON of candy fell out of his pockets.  We finally made it to bed, and our kids were tucked tight in their own beds, fast asleep... Porter with his new flashlight in hand.  Christmas morning story to come.
The buzz lightyears!  Zach is Porter's hero!
He was so excited to make a snack for Santa!

The goods
His cookies are ready to bake.
And Tyson just jumped and hung out with Daddy

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