Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tyson: 6 Months Old

I can't tell you how much I LOVE having a little baby to snuggle and love!  Tyson is such a sweet baby and I usually can't help myself from smothering his chubby little cheeks with kisses throughout the day.  He is thriving!  I cannot believe how fast time flies by.  I can't believe Tyson is already 6 months old??  Just yesterday I was a single college student falling in love with Jared, and now we have two kids and have been married nearly 8 years!!  Anyway, here's what's up with the little guy.
  • SUPER interested in food- this boy is so interested in food right now, especially grown up food.  If we are eating (even if he has just nursed!) he gets so excited and antsy when we begin to eat.  His little legs start kicking and he will literally start yelling, it sounds more like growling, until we share some of the goods.
  • And while we are on food, he just started eating cheerios and the little baby stars.  He still likes baby food, but he likes "real" stuff too, like: oatmeal, peas, bananas, mac-n-cheese, etc.  He has liked every single item of food I have given him so far, except for peaches.  And he doesn't like peas baby food, but like peas whole...
  • Pro at sitting up now!  Last month he was finally starting to get the hang of it, now he's got it down and he loves to sit and play toys with Porter.  It seems like he is more content to be on his own now, where he used to like to be held a lot.  (He still does, it's just improved a ton!)
  • Kisser.  If your face is within arms reach, he will grab your face and give you a big slobbery kiss.  He does this to me, Porter, cousins, etc.
  • THE cry.  Wow, this kid will occasionally let out saddest cry you have ever heard.  A couple times I have been so worried that something was terribly wrong with him, like he broke an arm or a leg or something like that.  As time has progressed, he has let it out when we are in the car and he doesn't want to be in his car seat, or when I've set him down to help Porter.  It is dramatic.
  • Happy and smiley.  This little boy is always smiling and giggling and is just overall such a fun and happy little boy.  He adores his big brother, and Porter can usually calm him down if he gets upset.  They have already become such good little buddies.  We are so blessed to have him in our family!
His expression cracks me up

Christmas eve in his jammies

I swear he poses for the camera sometimes, haha

Whenever I walk in the room I am greeted by this face every time.  Ahhh!

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