Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Christmas Tradition

Every year at Christmas time my sister-in-law, Lisa hosts the annual Gingerbread House activity.  She hand makes every single gingerbread house for all of the kids.  The kids have fun decorating their houses, and chowing down on the candy.  They then gather around to listen to the traditional story of the Gingerbread man.  After that they go to the oven to get the gingerbread man cookies out, only to discover they have run away!  The kids then run as fast as they can throughout the house to find the missing gingerbread men.  They are always found decorated and individually wrapped for each child.  We have been doing this for years now, and I know the kids look forward to it each year.  Thanks, Lisa for all the hard work and time you put into making this event happen every Christmas.  What a lucky group of kids!
The night started out with a bunch of kids getting down to some Christmas music.

The set-up

There was a choice of gingerbread houses.... (the popular choice)

...and a choice of gingerbread trains... what my child chose

Busy at work

Porter making his train, GREAT picture, but I only took one.  :)  Sorry bud!

And the kids that opted out... Michelle Bell

And Tyson!  (I guess Stephen should be included in this group but I missed his picture!)

The end results!  Aren't they cute?

And the woman behind it all!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Tara Ann said...

Amazing!!!! That is such a great tradition. And what fun to run around and find the missing Gingerbread men...what a blast. I might have to copy this. Can you send me the Gingerbread recipe? Tell Lisa I think she is a great Aunt!