Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let the fun times begin!

Now that Tyson can sit up on his own, Porter loves having a playmate!  Everyday he brings me a big blanket and asks me to lay it out.  After doing so, he gathers a bunch of toys and lays them on the blanket.  Then he says, "Tyson, want to play with me?"  and then he turns to me "Mom, he wants to play."  They sit together on their blanket and play with toys.  When Tyson was born my mom got Porter a book about being a big brother, and it talks about how the baby couldn't play with him but he kept getting bigger and bigger, he began to sit, and then crawl, and at the end of the book he is able to finally play with the baby.  Anyway, every time they play like this, Porter tells me "Mom, Tyson is getting bigger and bigger."  It is pretty cute.  (Side note, there has already been a meltdown because Tyson knocked over his barn.)

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