Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thanks, Mom & Dad

We recently put ourselves on a tight budget, and are not spending any $$ on fun/frivolous things.  One thing I enjoy buying is clothes for my kids, especially a cute Easter/Christmas outfit.  Lucky for me, my mom brought these darling Christmas outfits for my boys when Tyson was born, so I still got to enjoy the luxury of dressing my boys up for church today in new Christmas clothes, and I have to say, they looked so cute.  Especially Porter, he looked like such a stud.  I didn't even change him out of his clothes until bedtime because I was having to much fun admiring him.  Thanks so much mom for the Christmas outfits.  I'm so glad I didn't miss out on that tradition!  I had to take some pictures, because I thought you would have fun seeing the kids in them.  I have even been tempted to take them down to Sears Portrait and buy a $4.99 holiday portrait package, but I think that falls under fun/frivolous. Haha.  My pictures will just have to do.

Oh yeah, another Christmas activity-- last Monday for FHE we talked about Christmas and why we celebrate.  Then we talked about how Christmas isn't just about getting presents but about giving to others and making them happy.  Our plan was to do something nice and spread some holiday cheer the next week for Family Night.  But since we are going to Temple Square Monday, we did our FHE Sunday night.  We made homemade bread and jam, and bundled up in our coats and walked them to people in our ward.  We brought it to the girl who babysits for us because I thought it would be fun to do someone Porter knew; we also went to an elderly couple who were tickled to death to have our darling little boy delivering treats and saying Merry Christmas to them.  It was fun, my kids loved it too.
Porter insisted they hold hands.


Just a couple more weeks, and Porter will start Sunbeams.

My little stud muffin, doesn't he look like he's 10 or something? He looked so old to me today.


Melissa said...

That last picture of Porter is AWESOME! The hand in the pocket, the not looking at the camera, he's so mature!

Those are some handsome boys you've got there!

Kendal and Alissa said...

Darling outfits! Moms always come to the rescue don't they?! Tyson is the one that is looking so big to me. It feels like I have barely seen him and he is already sitting up.