Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Temple Square Lights

I have only done this once before and it was a long time ago before I had kids.  I have been wanting to do this during the Christmas season for years now and it simply has not worked out.  It was on the top of my must-do list this Christmas season.  So Monday night we packed the kids up and drove an hour to Temple Square.  First off, the place was packed!  Jared said they didn't have nearly the amount of lights that they have had in the past.  It was cold, crowded, and our kids could have cared less.  It is funny the things they end up loving, and the things they don't care for.  We had to laugh about the fact that I made such a big deal of it.  My only advice- don't go on a Monday night, feed your kids dinner first.  Temple Square, I've checked you off my list.


Paige said...

We are headed to Mesa Temple lights next week. It wont be nearly as cold but I will take your advice and feed everyone dinner first. Cafe Rio here we come!

Boy Mom said...

You're so cute, I love that you can laugh at yourself. The lights might not have been to hot but girl those boots on hot little you...sizzle.

A very Happy Christmas to you and your sweet family.