Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A visit with Santa Claus

Before our usual trip to Gold's Gym this morning, we made a stop at the local mall to visit Santa Claus.  It was kind of interesting/amusing/convenient that in front of us was a couple of handicapped adults waiting in line to see Santa.  While waiting in line I asked Porter if he could see Santa, and the handicapped man nudged me and pointed to where Santa was and began to giggle with excitement.  I got to point out the adult man sitting on Santa's lap to Porter and tell him that he was next after that man.  So in my three year old's mind children of ALL ages go and sit in Santa's lap to report if they've been naughty or nice and to share this year's wishlist with him.  I only have a picture after we exited because I didn't want to pay the $20 for a poorly taken photo.  Porter was really excited about seeing Santa, and was telling me his LONG list of things he wanted on the drive over- which happened to include "a kid".  I asked him if he wanted another baby brother or sister, and he said no, and clarified "a toy kid".  (Aren't you glad all the members of my family are on the same page?)  But despite the long list, when he was placed on Santa's knee, he, like every other kid, choked up... became star-struck... and shut his little mouth in the face of the jolly old man.  He kept his eyes diverted to the ground pretty much the entire time, and only once managed a quick glance Santa's way when he quickly whispered "I want Buzz Lightyear, cars and trucks."  Awesome, he already has all of those.  Santa then presented him with a See's Butterscotch sucker and sent us on our way.  We stopped at the Disney Store to kill some time before my daycare appointment at the gym.  Porter wanted a hands on experience, so he wisely handed his sucker to me and asked if I could hold it.  I was holding Tyson too.  As we walked around my arm was hurting more than usual because Tyson was bending over more than usual.  I went to re-adjust him and realized that the reason he was bent over was because he managed to find his way to Porter's butterscotch sucker.  It was pretty amusing.  5 months old, and the kid knows to go for the sucker.  It was a fun December day, and I love little things like this.

I love the one finger up, like "one moment mom, still not done"

How can you not laugh?

After a couple pictures were snapped, I finished the sucker and he wasn't to happy about that.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I can not believe how big Tyson is all ready! Crazy! And he looks so much like his big brother! Too cute. And this is coming from a paranoid mother but be SO careful with babies and suckers! After Drake died I went to these mom support groups and heard stories from mother's of things that were so scary and I am just so cautious now. Anyway, just be careful! ;)