Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tender Moments

I love watching my boys interact!  They get so happy to see each other.  And it is often that a babysitter will tell me how Tyson got upset and Porter made him happy.  I know it is true- sometimes if I am busy doing housework and Tyson starts to fuss I tell Porter to go make Tyson happy, and he will!  He will lay out toys for him, dance for him, and in a short manner of time I will hear two little boys giggling.  I was taking some pictures of them the other day, and although there are lots of cute "posed" ones, my favorites were the ones that captured their relationship with each other.  Their love for one another is so apparent.  I just adore these two.
Porter telling Tyson something, most likely it was about dinosaurs.

Playing and laughing together.

Porter squeeling! Tyson grabbed Porter's head, look at those little smiley eyes in the background.

No one can resist those kissable cheeks!

Hanging out


Ellie said...

i too love seeing bond develop between siblings, it's so tender and sweet. you have two cute boys!

Tara Ann said...

These pictures are too cute!