Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tyson: 8 Months

A couple days ago my little Tyson turned eight months.  He is a thriving little boy.  His new favorite thing is to wave.  If I am standing near a mirror or a computer that is turned off, he will notice his reflection and start waving at himself.  It is pretty cute.  Or in the middle of the night, when NOTHING seems cute to me, he will wake up and when I approach his crib he is smiling and waving, and all of a sudden it's cute.  At 3am.  And THAT is amazing.  He is 100% a mama's boy.  There are days when he just wants to be on my hip all day long.  So, sometimes the laundry doesn't get done, and the toys are every where, and I just tell myself, "he won't be a baby for long...slow down and enjoy".  Then there are other days when the house has turned UPSIDE DOWN and I tell him "Child, I must put you down so that our world can keep turning."  Sometimes he complies with my requests.  I think it was just last month that he finally started sleeping in his crib which was absolutely wonderful in and of itself, but still he was waking up constantly throughout the night.  I would just have to let him know I was there and he would go back to sleep, but still it resulted in restless nights.  Tyson's daddy-o discovered a secret this last week, and that is if we play music for him he will sleep the whole night through.  Oh it is heaven!  My own bed AND no interruptions?!  Oh boy, too good to be true!  He loves to eat new and interesting foods.  I still have yet to find something he doesn't like eating.  Tyson is really close to crawling, I think.  He will be sitting playing and next thing I know he is forward onto all fours.  He rocks, and moves forward little by little until he is on his tummy.  I really had a hard time imagining him crawling at all since I never had that experience with Porter, but seeing this one on all fours all the time I just think he might crawl.  He also loves to stand up.  He will hold on to the couch, the walker, my hands, whatever.  I can just tell he is anxious to be big and independent like his older brother.  I wonder if such skills would truly make him more "independent" and less clingy to me, or if that will just mean he will be capable of following me all around the house?  I'm both excited and nervous to learn the answer.  :)  Tyson has created a stronger bond with his daddy and loves to be with him.  He and Porter love to play together.  If Porter wakes up first, he brings a stool into Tyson's room and wakes him up too.  It is both cute and annoying.  They are both an absolute joy to be around.

Because sometimes it's all good...
...and sometimes it's not.  But we smile either way, don't we?


Kendal and Alissa said...

Yay! I'm so excited you finally found your trick to get a fulls nights rest. Tyson is just so cute. I swear you can feel his sweet spirit through his smiles. Time is just traveling too fast. I can't believe he is 8 months. Did you take those pictures? So clear and perfect!

Jamie said...

Those pictures are precious! I love it! It is so fun that you love your two boys so much! I too was thinking, slow down - enjoy them, they grow up way too fast! Yea for getting your bed to yourself! I'm glad Jared found the magic music :)