Wednesday, May 25, 2011

8 blissful years

Yesterday was our 8 year anniversary!  A few days ago I was in Jared's email looking for an old invoice from around the time of our dating years.  I didn't find what I was looking for, but I came across an email that made me smile.  It was an email Jared had sent to his sister, Ginny, who at the time was on her mission in Guatemala.

Sister Robbins,
Sorry about last week.  I got caught up with everything that was going on.  Everything is going great.  I am getting closer and closer to getting engaged.  I have to find out some tax information and I will be able to get a ring.  It is really exciting.  I have never been around a person that I never got tired of.  I can't get enough of having Stacy around.   To make a long story short I am in love with her.....

I love....
  • I love that even as the years have gone by, we never have tired of being with each other. 
  • I love the way Tyson's arms immediately reach out for you every time you enter the room.
  • I love that you are Porter's hero
  • I love that you can always sense when it has been a hard day and encourage me to take a break while you watch the kids.
  • I love that you are spontaneous
  • I love the dimples in your smile.
  • I love our date nights.
  • I love your devotion to the gospel.
  • I love that you are driven.
  • I love the way you keep my Ipod updated with great music
  • I love it when you tell Porter to say things that are cute, but kinda creepy, like "Mommy, you look hot."
  • I love the smell of your cologne.
  • I love YOU
Happy Annnniverrrrrsarrry!
Oh, and for our anniversary we went to the temple and did sealings, and then went out for dinner.  We have tentative plans to take a weekend trip this summer without the kids!


Paige said...

I remember when you 2 started dating...i just knew you were made for each other. You compliment one another so well. Congrats on 8 years!

Tara Ann said...

You guys are so cute! I can''t believe you have been married for 8 years!!!!

Just Us said...

Congrats! That's too funny, I don't even remember that email. I have to tell you, Mark and I laughed when we first looked at the wedding picture because in our late-night tiredness it looks like you are going to whack Jared with your flowers!

Melissa said...

Happy Anniversary to the both of you! Hope your day was awesome!