Thursday, June 9, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend in Cali

We spent almost a week in California, visiting my family over Memorial Day weekend.  We had fun visiting with everyone, and Porter is absolutely SMITTEN with his grandparents and uncles!  Tyson, on the other hand, took at least three days to warm up to all of the new faces.  Not that I was surprised, that is definitely his little personality!  It is always good to spend time with family!  The only thing I could do without is the 10 hour drive to and back.  ;)
At the zoo

My little wounded soldier

The crazy peacock(s)

Kyle, Porter and Mom

Porter checking out a bear

He spotted another peacock, and even attempted to talk "peacock" to him.

Grandma with the boys

Tyson checking out the animals

Tyson playing with Grandma

Kyle and Jeff spent the weekend building a skate board for Jeff.  Pretty talented, right?

Mom and Grams relaxing after a yummy Memorial Day bbq.

Porter and Grandma watching a movie

Uncle Robbie and Tyson

Uncle Kyle spent a few hours making some 3d dinosaur puzzles for Porter and even hot glued them so they would stay in tact!

Then Uncle Robbie showed up with this train for Porter.  All the uncles helped put it together.  Pretty spoiled don't you think?  I have got a tough act to follow once they have kids.

1 comment:

Just Us said...

I love the scrunched face picture of Porter. We miss these little guys!