Thursday, May 12, 2011

Food Storage & Self Reliance

Have you ever attended one of those Emergency Preperation fairs?  It is mostly filled with food storage/emergency enthusiasts!  Beyond the talk of a years worth of food storage, there is talk of bomb shelters, make shift bathrooms, kits to seal up your "safe room" during a nuclear bomb... the list goes on.  It is so overwhelming and discouraging to me.  I could spend thousands and thousands of dollars and still not be "prepared" in their book.

But still, the council from the leaders of the church to be self reliant and have a little stored away has hung in the back of my mind for years.  We have slowly built up a little bit of storage over the years during case lot sales, and even have nearly a thousand pounds of wheat.  But those around me have made me feel completely inadequate and belittled in my efforts.

During my Spring Cleaning, I was re-organizing my food storage.  I decided to make an inventory of what I had.  Then I got online to see what the church recommends having.  As I read the council given by the church, a feeling of calm and peace came over me.  The order and method was practical and realistic.  I felt encouraged and felt like I could do exactly what they were asking.  It was the opposite of what I have felt before- discouraged, inadequate, and overwhelmed.

I wonder if there are others out there that may feel the same overwhelming thoughts that I have had.  And so, I just wanted to share what the leaders of the church suggest.  This was found in the Church published pamphlet All is Safely Gather In: Family Food Storage, a simplified four-step approach to building your food storage.

They are as followed:

1.  Gradually build a small supply of food that is part of your normal, daily diet until it is sufficient for three months.
2.  Store drinking water.
3.  Establish a financial reserve by setting aside a little money each week, and gradually increase it to a reasonable amount.
4.  Once families have achieved the first three objectives, they are counseled to expand their efforts, as circumstances allow, into a supply of long-term basic foods such as grains, legumes, and other staples.

When President Hinckley introduced this new four step program in 2002, he said, "We can begin with a one week's food supply and gradually build it to a month, and then to three months."  He then counseled AGAINST "going to extremes."

Now, I firmly believe that we all can have the ability to receive personal revelation regarding our own individual families and I do not reproach anyone for what they may feel is right for their family.  But as for me, the over the top shelters, seals, bathrooms, and other gadgets that made me feel so overwhelmed and discouraged are what I consider to be the "extreme".

I think about the scripture that says "if you are prepared, you shall not fear."  I think many of these enthusiasts take this scripture and go to the extreme in being prepared should a nuclear bomb fall on us.  But there is a spiritual application to be made.  Our mortal lives will all end at one time or another.  If we are spiritually prepared, than we will not fear death.  If we have been spiritually prepared, we will not fear standing before our Savior to be judged.  And with that, I feel 100% comfortable being without these other means of "emergency preparations".  I will follow the simple guidelines provided by the inspired leaders of the church.

After printing out my inventory, a 3-month suggested list of items, and the All Safely Gathered In pamphlet, I started evaluating my family's needs.  I was pleasantly surprised that we were very close to having what we needed to have a three month supply.  A $100 trip to Costco has brought me that much closer.  There are now just a few more things that I need to have a completed 3-month supply.  And I am comforted knowing that there is nothing wrong with gradually picking a few extra items each week at the grocery store until it is complete.

Next we will work on storing some water, and then we will spend some time building our financial reserve.  And when we feel financially secure then we can continue to gradually accumulate the long-term staples.  We already have all our wheat which is a big one.  I am so glad for the inspired programs in the church and that it brings us calm and peace, and is easily achievable.  I am chiding myself for listening to outside influences that have driven me away from the spirit of self reliance for this long.  Hopefully this will help someone else who may have had similar feelings as myself.  I think I needed to record this for myself too, in case I need to be reminded down the road.

(And I have to give a shout out to my friend and neighbor Alissa and Kendal who have this GREAT website where they invented can organizer rotating systems that are SUPER AFFORDABLE (like $15 for FOUR systems!) and perfect for organizing and rotating food storage items.  Check them out here.)

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