Monday, May 16, 2011

Softball & The Park

One of the first warm Saturday's we met all the other Robbins at our favorite softball park, and played a little bit of softball and let the kids play at the park.  These were just a couple of cute pictures I took on my phone.  Mostly Tyson and Stephen who are so fun to watch grow up together.  They are the same size and look like little brothers, and yet they are so different!  Stephen is walking all over the place, and Tyson crawls after him.  Tyson talks more.  They give each other hugs which is adorable, and usually ends up in a tackle.  They are little buddies.
Stephen giving Tyson a hug.  Right after I took this picture they both started falling backwards.  Don't ask me how but I managed to get a hand under both heads before they hit the cement.  Whew!  They had no idea there was ever any danger.

Happy boy

We can improvise with two swings!

They were loving this.

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