Monday, May 2, 2011

Our weekend apart.

This weekend our family was separated, 1/2 of us here in Utah and the other 1/2 at my parents in California.  Jared sold his truck about a week ago, and we have been searching for a new vehicle to buy.  We found what we were looking for at a great place in Folsom, and after a week of communication and negotiating with the seller, my Dad went to check it out and make sure it was in good condition.  He called at 3:30pm on Friday and all was well.  We immediately went online and saw there was one flight left that day, at 6:30pm.  Jared bought two tickets, one for himself and one for Porter.  While he ran to the bank to get a cashier's check, I hurried and threw their their things into a duffel bag.  As soon as Jared was back we threw the kids and the bag into the car, and headed to the airport.  It was a crazy, last minute adventure!  Jared was originally going to go alone, but Porter has been BEGGING to see his grandparents for weeks now, and he couldn't resist the opportunity to take him, even though we were planning a trip the following week.

It was a quiet weekend here in Utah for Tyson and I.  The TV was off, the music was off, and there wasn't our busy body three year old talking our ear off.  It was QUIET.  Too quiet.  Poor Tyson didn't know what to do without his big brother.  If we were home he would yell his two syllable version of "Porter" which sounds like "bow-bow" and crawl around looking for him.  He was happiest if we were out and about.  So we ran a ton of errands, and got a lot of things done.  We had lots of fun one on one time together, playing just the two of us together.  We danced together, went on walks, and caught up on some housework.

Porter and Jared were very busy in California.  They purchased the new car Friday afternoon, and then had lots of fun playing with Grandma and Papa.  The went to Fairytale Town, the Sacramento Train Museum, shopping, sleepovers, and more.  Every time I talked to Jared he would tell me how Porter was in heaven with his grandparents!  He loves it there.  Thanks for taking such good care of my family, mom and dad!

1 comment:

The Gilberts said...

too fun! we have beeN LOVING fairytale town this Spring.