Thursday, June 16, 2011


This is my new favorite.

I came home the other night and walked upstairs to find Porter and Jared sitting in our bed.  Jared was reading his scriptures, and Porter had a stack of bedtime stories that he was reading.  Jared's scripture "bookmark" is a picture of him and I on our wedding day, sitting on a bench outside the Timpanogos temple.  The picture caught Porter's attention, and he picked it up and was looking at it.

Porter:  "Mom, look!  Do you remember this picture?"
Me:  "Yes, I do remember."
Porter:  "Remember mommy, that you were a princess?"
Me:  (Smiling ear to ear.)
Porter:  (Looking at picture again....)  "And remember Daddy?  And Daddy was your missionary."

What a sweet boy he is.


Tara Ann said...

Your son is so adorable!

Paige said...

So cute!

We walked around temple square once during peak wedding season apparently and Elle looked around and said "there are so many prince and princesses here!"

Melissa said...

SO, SO CUTE! You're so good at blogging these moments - I need to be better!