Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Porter's Gift

There are two sweet boys that live down the street from us.  They are in our ward, and I visit taught their mom (a single mom) for a few years.  I have often thought that kids are a great reflection on their parents, and kudos to these boys mom because I just think they are GREAT boys.  I know how hard it is to be a mom, and I just can't even imagine being a mom, working, and running a household all alone!  So to be wearing all those hats, AND still have great kids, I think that says a lot!  These boys will occasionally drop by to use the computer or catch a ride to baseball or something.  Today the youngest came by and played with my boys for nearly an hour.  But his real purpose in coming over was to give his old bike to Porter.  He was so sweet to think of Porter and made him promise to be a good boy.  Then he turned to me, and insisted we take a picture.  :)

Couldn't have happened at a better time, too... I have been checking KSL ads for big boy bikes!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh my gosh! Lucky Porter!! We have been checking KSL like crazy, and there's nothing out there!

So, so sweet of them!