Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Let Freedom Ring

Well, lets be honest, freedom rang a little too loud this year.  For three nights straight it has sounded like a war zone in my neighborhood, thanks to the new firework law.  I can bet this is not a favorite holiday for anyone with a baby in the house.  The last few days routine has gone a little like this: 8pm- tuck baby in for bed, 9:30pm- baby wakes to loud, house shaking booms, 9:30 - 10pm- successfully put baby back to sleep three more times, 10pm- finally give in and hold your terrified baby until 11:30pm when the last boomers turn in for the night.  6am- rise and shine, grumpy baby.  The pouring rain did not stop the firework shows last night, but I am willing to bet that means there will be a night 4.  Lucky us.
The day celebrations were better.  Sort of.  One of the kids favorite activities have always been the hot air balloons, which is fun but EARLY!  The balloons launch at 6:30am and you usually want to get there a few minutes early to see them blow up and everything.  That means waking up at 5am to shower and get ready and get kids ready in time.  I was up late the night before getting ready for the breakfast we would be hosting, so that meant only 4 hours of sleep for me.  But we made it before 6:30am!  Just in time to hear the announcement that they would be cancelling the hot air balloons this year due to the weather!  Ugh!  Luckily they all still blew up their balloons, just didn't fly them, and the kids still thought it was amazing.
The whole family gathered at our house after for a hot breakfast.  Then around noon we headed over to the park where we played a family game of soccer and kick ball.  The cloudy skies made for perfect weather, not too hot, and not too cold.  We finished the day off at Richard and Lisa's where we had a BBQ.  We planned to have a family firework show that night but everyone was tired from the long day and retired to our own homes early.  Of course, the responsible, early bed time was all in vain come 9:30pm.  But really, despite all my complaining, it really was a fun, pleasant fourth of July!  It isn't often that the entire family can all get together at once, and it was fun for all young and old.


Melissa said...

I was expecting the 4th to be pretty loud this year, but I had NO idea that the week leading up to it would be soooo full of fireworks!

Your pictures are fantastic! So sharp and patriotic. Glad you had a fabulous 4th!

Melissa said...

Tell your mother in law her Dallas shirt rocks! ;P