Wednesday, August 31, 2011

a PERFECT getaway

Yes, it is true... I have the greatest friends.  It all started last week when my girlfriends and I were chatting about vacations, taking trips without kids, and taking trips where grandparents are there to help.  I told them how nice it would be if I could just leave my kids overnight and go with Jared on his upcoming overnight business trip to St George.  I have not been away for my kids overnight in 2 1/2 years.  Alissa totally surprised me when she suggested (more like insisted!) that I leave my boys with her kids for one night and go take a trip just for me.  I laughed, and didn't think I could do it.  After a weekend of debating the trip, I was finally persuaded, and prayed my heart out that my kids would be good/happy/content!  So Monday we woke up bright and early, and headed to St. George.  Here is how it went....
My mom (who was on her way back to California) dressed the kids and dropped them off at their adopted mom's house for the next two days.
Drove four hours with Jared peacefully- didn't break up any fights, hand out any snacks, read someone a book, hand out a toy, or arch around for any reason.  It was a fast four hours.

Dropped Jared off at the office, and checked into the hotel where I changed into my swimsuit and laid out at the pool and read.  Didn't play lifeguard or panic about potential drownings.  I swam because I wanted to.

I napped AND slept in, and didn't wake up to crying.

I ran on the treadmill and worked out, and didn't worry about when my daycare time was up.

I ate a restaurant without kids.  I didn't cut up anyone's food, and I stayed a long time without worrying about how much it was going to rack up the babysitter bill.

I shopped by myself, in stores I wouldn't dare taking kids into, and looked down every aisle just because I could.
It was the perfect length of time, to enjoy simple quiet moments all by my lonesome self.  When Jared wasn't working, we of course couldn't talk about anything other than our two sweet little boys.  I am so glad that I not only have a neighbor who I could sit and chat with for hours, and love her company, but that I can trust her family with my two most prized possessions-- my boys!  Alissa, you are a true friend, and I owe you big time!  I came home completely rejuvenated to two of the happiest little boys, and that my friends, was the perfect ending to the perfect getaway!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

**Of course, when I woke up the next morning Porter announced that he had an EVEN BETTER IDEA:  we could take Tyson to Savanna's house and Porter and mommy and daddy could all go on a trip together!!  Uh, you in Alissa?  :)


Just Us said...

Sounds wonderful! Glad you got a break.

Kendal and Alissa said...

Love it! But you forgot to mention how PERFECT your boys were. Seriously, anyone would watch those two boys and love it and Savanna was in heaven having 24/7 playmates. It was a win win for both of us.

Paige said...

Great friends are hard to come by I'm glad you found one! Nothing better than knowing your kids are being loved and taken care of while you're away.

Melissa said...

I'm SOOOOO glad you did this! But now the problem is that you realize how easy it is....and can't do it enough!

Alissa is awesome.