Friday, January 27, 2012

Watch This, Mama

I know everyone thinks their child is the best at everything.... but mine really is.  Haha!  I am kidding but I have really been amazed at Tyson's ability to talk and communicate.  At his 18 month checkup he was supposed to be able to say 10 words, and he was talking in sentences.  I mainly took the last video because I thought it was hilarious that he overheard the word "doctor" and went to town.  You can never capture all their little phrases on video, but this one kind of made me laugh.  The second clip made me laugh, listen to that attitude.  (Not sure why the picture is distorted, first time trying to merge videos together.)


Just Us said...

What a little dare devil! Mark and I were just discussing that we hope our kids are cautious like I am, instead of daredevils like he was.

Melissa said...

Already speaking in sentences? Good grief! He IS ahead of his time. Smarty pants!