Friday, February 24, 2012

My cute boys

Tyson has such a fun little personality.  He is learning so much and talking a ton.  He says things that I don't think he quite grasps the meaning yet.  For example, he will say "Mommy, guess what?"  and when I ask "What?" he will say something like, "Ugh, basketball!"  He sings along to songs in the car, he likes music and dancing.  He isn't much into watching cartoons but he loves to watch basketball and football with daddy.  He absolutely loves going to Nursery at church and really has had no issues adjusting at all.  I will check in on him ocassionally and he is sitting and doing exactly what he is supposed to.  He really is such a good little boy.

Porter is a smart little boy, I am amazed at what he is learning at school that I don't always know about.  I just happened to learn that he knows when there is an emergency you call 911.  He can write his name by himself.  He can say the pledge of allegiance by himself.  He is still obsessed with dinosaurs but now he is also really interested in marine life.  He teaches me about different whales/sharks/fishes all the time now.

My boys are brothers in every sense.  They are best friends 90% of the time and get along great, but then other times they want to kill one another.  Tyson wants to be just like Porter and do all of the things that he does.  Porter loves having a little friend and playmate, and frankly I think he enjoys bossing Tyson around and telling him what they are going to play next.  Tyson couldn't care at all, he is just excited to be along for the ride.  They are such great boys and I am so lucky to be their mom.

1 comment:

The Gilberts said...

How big your kids are getting! Its so crazy the young ones are in nursery now-- Peyton loves it too! She's is happy to go and happy to be picked up after.

Is Tyson still fussy like back in the day, and if not, does that mean #3 is on the radar???