Saturday, April 28, 2012

Can someone get me a frequent shopper card?

You know those loyalty programs that stores and restaurants have, the frequent shopper cards that give you benefits after so many visits?  I am pretty much convinced they should offer me one for the IHC hospital.  Certainly they should know me by name now.  We don't mean to be such a dramatic family, life just seems to be happening that way lately.  Perhaps our benefit of dropping in so often will be meeting our out of pocket maximum this year.  Sigh...  Today was a wonderful day, honestly.  We went to the Provo temple and witnessed my cousins family being sealed to their beautiful adopted baby boy.  The spirit was so strong.  Then we went to their house and watched him be blessed and visited with family over some yummy food.  The boys were playing bare feet outside with their 2nd cousins having the time of their lives.  One second everything was great, the next Tyson was crying.  He apparently had run to get the ball the same time as an adult that didn't see him and they collided.  He cried for so long, and we couldn't get him to calm down which is so unlike Tyson.  Long story short, when we got home and took him out of his car seat and he began crying again, we knew something wasn't right.  So into the doctors office we went, and then to the hospital for x-rays which revealed a nice big line in his right collar bone.  This poor little guy gets to sport a lovely brace for the next four weeks.  He will be sore for the next couple days, for sure.

His first request?  Sit on the couch and watch football.  He reluctantly settled for basketball.  As you can see, a little Tylenol worked wonders on the little guy.


Kendal and Alissa said...

No WAY! Seriously, what a perfect title for this post. It's not even May yet Stacy. I will pray that your family can stay out of the hospital for the second half of the year.

As a side note Tyson looks adorable in that brace (so sad). Glad he is feeling better.

Paige said...

oh poor baby!